We are excited to announce that “Cyberman365” from Node International in partnership with Flood Risk Solutions is available to you and offers up to $1 Million in ID Theft Insurance and Restoration Support. In the unfortunate event of an Identity Theft incident Node International’s U.S.-based Fraud Resolution Agent will provide step-by-step assistance to investigate and restore your identity in the event of a claim. With a Limited Power of Attorney, Node International can manage the recovery process on your behalf and provide extra protection at no additional cost after a claim.
Additionally, as a standalone, subscription-based service, Cyberman365 React offers far more robust coverage than what is otherwise available in the marketplace. For only $175 per year for the family, this policy provides one of the most comprehensive and cost effective programs available in the marketplace.
Key elements of their coverage offerings include:
ID Theft
CyberAgent Dark Web Monitoring
Credit Monitoring
Cyber Bullying
Online Fraud
Child Social Network Monitoring
How Cyber Scams Can Happen
Malware & Viruses
Criminals use tactics to infiltrate your devices and may steal information and hold your device and files for ransom until you pay a fee.
Data Breaches
Unfortunately companies often fall victim to data breaches where customers’ personal information is exposed. This means criminals can get hold of your data.
Mail Theft
If you have an unlocked mailbox, identity thieves can easily steal your mail containing your personal information. This also applies to your garbage so make sure you shred any personal data.
Change of Address
With just a name and address someone can divert your mail. They can then collect additional information about you such as credit card information or your Social Security Number.
Wallet Theft
If someone gets hold of your wallet, think about how much information they would have on you, SSN, name, age, bank accounts, health insurance details and more.
Oversharing on Social Media
Always be aware of what you are sharing, if strangers can predict your movements it’s easy for them to steal your identity or belongings.
Cyberman365 REACT
Home and Family Cyber Risk Insurance Protection
Cyberman365 React, will provide up to $1 Million in ID Theft coverage and ID Restoration Support services to you and your family in the aftermath of a cyber incident.
A U.S. based Fraud Resolution agent will be available to deliver step by step support to investigate and restore your identity. With our limited power of attorney, we can manage the recovery on your behalf to help alleviate a stressful situation.
Following a cyber event, you will benefit from continued extra protection through our active ID Theft and Credit Monitoring services. You will also have access to a variety of enhanced cybersecurity services provided in partnership with Cyberman365, a leading provider of cybersecurity prevention and detection tools.
Coverage Overview
What Can I Do To Avoid Identity Theft?
Be Proactive
Recognize that your private information has likely been made public through countless data breaches. Consider putting in place credit freezes and fraud alerts with the credit bureaus to prevent new lines of credit from being opened in your name.
Never Recycle Passwords
Using the same password for multiple online accounts and devices is a common mistake made when account takeovers occur. Consider a reputable password manager that will generate long and unique passwords for each online account.
Read Your Credit Report
Request a free copy of your credit report from This will allow you to receive one report every 12 months from each credit reporting company. Reviewing this information consistently will help spot signs of identity theft.
Invest in a Shredder
Make sure you properly dispose of sensitive data such as receipts, package labels with contact information, credit card statements, and financial records.
Think Before You Share
Fuel for social engineering attacks often comes from the information we willingly give away. Review privacy settings on social media accounts and think before you post pictures and personally identifiable information. You never know who might be looking.
Isolate Online Activity
Consider creating unique email addresses for the variety of online accounts used. Do not link an email address from less critical activity such as social media use or online publications to more sensitive accounts like banking or investments.
Unfamiliar court records, address information or bankruptcies
Failing to receive bills or other mail — this may signal an address change initiated by an identity thief
Being served court papers or arrest warrants for actions you did not commit
Receiving credit cards for which you did not apply or being denied credit for no apparent reason
Unknown charges or withdrawals from bank accounts
Receiving calls or letters from debt collectors or businesses about merchandise or services you did not buy
Contact your credit card issuer or banking institution
Review your credit report for indications of identity theft
Place a fraud alert or security freeze with the three credit bureaus
Execute a limited power of attorney agreement and take care of the time consuming work.
Password Recycling and Weak Credentials
Reusing passwords across multiple devices and services provides criminals easy access for account takeover attacks. No sophistication here. Create long and unique passwords for every device and account used online.
Malware and Ransomware
Cyber criminals can lock you out of a device holding all of your digital contents hostage. Family pictures, important documents and more become encrypted with threats to release it publically unless the monetary demand is paid.
Data Protection and Security Challenges
More people are now working remotely than ever before. Sensitive information is passed between personal and business computers and many are sharing devices at home for a variety of purposes. This puts data and devices at a greater risk.
Set Up Multiple Networks
Consider creating a "guest" network to separate non-essential connected devices such as smart appliances or visitors from the network you access your personal computer. This segmentation can help protect the primary network from malware or viruses spreading.
Isolate Online Outdated Hardware and Software
From performance to cybersecurity, not all lot devices are created equally. Connected devices have grown in popularity creating "smart" but vulnerable homes. Not all manufacturers provide needed firmware updates and many users fail to apply software patches placing homes at risk.
How Iot Devices Can Be Hacked
Password Recyling and Weak Credentials
Reusing passwords across multiple devices and services provides criminals easy access for account takeover attacks. No sophistication here. Create long and unique passwords for every device and account used online.
Unaware of Compromised Devices
Most users don't realise they have been hacked until it's too late. Slow reactions means the hacker has time to abuse your data and asc even more of your devices on the same network.
Data Protection and Security Challenges
More people are now working and learning remotely than ever before. Sensitive Information is passed between personal and business computers and many are sharing devices at home for a variety of purposes. This puts data and devices at a greater risk for compromise.
Malware and Ransomware
Cyber criminals can lock you out of a device holding all of your digital contents hostage. Family pictures, important documents and more become encrypted with threats to release it publicly unless the demand is paid. Cameras and monitors are also at risk giving prying eyes access to intimate parts of your home.
Outdated Hardware and Software
From performance to cybersecurity, not all loT devices are created equally. Connected devices have exploded in popularity creating "smart" but vulnerable homes all over the world. Not all manufacturers provide needed firmware updates and many users fail to apply software patches placing individuals and homes at risk.